Turku One-hour Rail Link at Europe Forum

The fall policy and economy season begins with Europe Forum in Turku on August 24–26. At the event, Turku One Hour Train Ltd is arranging a panel discussion titled Railway to the future – The Turku One-hour Rail Link as part of the European transport policy on Friday August 26, at 12:15–12:45.
Topic: Panel discussion: Railway to the future – The Turku One-hour Rail Link as part of the European
transport policy
Location: Radisson Blu Marina Palace Hotel and online stream
Time: Friday 26 August 2022 at 12:15–12:45.
The objectives, priorities, and implementation tools of the EU transport policy are determined by the guidelines for the development of the TEN-T. The changed geopolitical situation has further highlighted the importance of the connections between Finland and Europe. At the same time, solid transport connections, such as the proposed one-hour rail link between Helsinki and Turku, improve labor mobility and reinforce economic growth. The panel discussion will focus on the objectives of the EU transport policy as well as the available options to utilize those objectives in promoting Finnish transport investments.
How can railway projects reinforce our connection with Europe? The topic will be discussed by Turku One Hour Train Ltd CEO Pekka Ottavainen, Minister of Finance Annika Saarikko, and MEP Alviina Alametsä. The discussion will be moderated by Esa Suominen from Rud Pedersen.
Europe Forum is the leading arena of discussion on European policy in Finland and the annual opening event of the policy season in Turku, where the role of Finland in Europe and the European Union is discussed. You can attend the event in person or online.
This year, the event features simultaneous real-time interpretation (Finnish/English/Finnish) for the live online streams and for those attending in person.
More information and registration:
Julkaistu 19.8.2022
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